Who Is the Antichrist? Part 2

James Rochford
Revelation 13:11-18

The Antichrist is a Satanically inspired dictator who going to pressure all people to follow him, control people financially, deceive people from trusting God and mimic Christianity to draw people away from God.

The Return of the King

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 20:1-6

Jesus, the Suffering Servant and the Conquering King, will inaugurate the Millennial Kingdom after vanquishing the antichrist at the end of the Tribulation.  Then there will be the wedding feast of the Lamb.

The Seven Bowls

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 14:1-16:21

The battle of Armageddon demonstrates the futility of living apart from God.  Things get so bad, God has to intervene before people destroy the whole world.  

Who Is the Antichrist? Part 1

James Rochford
Revelation 13:1-10

The Antichrist will be a Gentile and a powerful speaker who will bring world peace and then break it.  He will claim to be God incarnate, and will stand in the rebuilt temple. He will rule over a reunited Roman Empire and create a one-world government.

Why Does God Judge People?

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 16:1-21

God's love and sovereignty demand a hell where people who choose not to love God are given the freedom to not love Him.  

Satan's Key Players

Brian Adams
Revelation 13:1-18

Revelation 13 introduces us to Satan's two key workers in the end times: the Antichrist and the false prophet. Through these men, Satan's lies will proliferate at an alarming rate. This teaching addresses what we learn about Satan's key players and what they will do during the end times.

The Dragon and the Beast

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 13:1-17

Revelation 13 describes the activities of the Dragon and the Beast as they persecute God's followers during the Tribulation.

The Great and Terrible Accuser

James Rochford
Revelation 12:1-17

Chapter 12 of Revelation looks at the spiritual battle that Satan engages with the nation of Israel during the Tribulation. 

A Spiritual War

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 12:1-17

Chapter 12 reveals a great sign in the heavens that foretells of a great spiritual battle that will be waged at the end of human history. Satan, God's enemy, will wage war against all of God's people.